Get Summer ready with Enviro FWA’s “cool” service

With Summer 2023 fast approaching, many businesses in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are gearing up for their busiest period of the year.

We don’t get sunshine very often in our wee part of the world, so we’re out of the house much more when it does appear every year. Enviro FWA have built a solid reputation over 20+ years with providing good quality air conditioning installations and air con servicing planned maintenance. We work with all types of business sectors such as: Commercial & Industrial, Retail & Leisure, Healthcare & clinical, Education & Hospitality and Government facilities.

The sunshine makes us happier and more energetic, tops up our Vitamin D levels, and for those lucky enough to have the right skin pigments, we can top up our tans (or freckles!).

And with all that sunshine and good vibes, businesses in Ireland enjoy lots more customers and profits.


Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) make up 99% of all businesses in the UK and Ireland.

And many of those businesses experience huge footfall every day in the summer and a higher-than-usual number of employees working simultaneously.

As a result, whether you work in catering or hospitality or are responsible for an office environment, you’ll want to keep your staff and customers cool.

Enviro FWA can provide aircon Installations, aircon servicing and maintenance to keep you cool this summer and warm In the



Regularly serviced air-con systems can keep your business firing on all cylinders and avoid costly downtime.

Here are some of the main reasons air conditioning servicing in the run-up to the summer is essential:


  1. Keeps staff and customers cool.

Sweat on the brow, thighs are chaffing, extreme thirst, less patience, irritability; being too warm is a recipe for disaster.

Staff and customers will have less patience and be less productive and more irritable.

And it can be a health and safety hazard too.

Unlike other countries closer to the equator, people living in Ireland aren’t used to weather extremes, whether extreme warmth or cold.

Heatstroke, dehydration, heat cramps, overheating, heat rashes, and heat exhaustion lurk beneath the surface in environments that aren’t adequately cooled.


  1. Avoid costly downtime.

Nothing eats away at profits quicker than unexpected downtime.

Just like you get a regular health check at the doctors and your car gets a regular MOT check, your air-con system requires the same type of servicing.

After all, you’re using it every day, so it’s only natural it’ll suffer from wear and tear damage.

You might need new fans, filters, coils, etc., but you’ll never know unless you get a thorough service.

Servicing ensures your air conditioning system operates at its best and minimises the risks of costly damage and being let d

own on your busiest days.


  1. Regular servicing ensures high energy efficiency of your air conditioning unit.

Like any piece of equipment, your air conditioning unit can only work well when its various parts are in total working order and working in harmony.

However, when one or two parts are past their best, the rest of the unit has to work much harder.

That leads to a massive decrease in efficiency, which, unsurprisingly, leads to you paying more for energy.

Given the current cost of living and energy crisis, can you afford to pay lots for electricity yet not get the required results?

Keep an eye on your energy bills every month, and if you start to see changes in them, it might be your unit telling you it needs a service.


  1. Air conditioning servicing protects your warranty.

When you buy a new car, usually, to keep your warranty intact, you must have a full service history for the vehicle.

And increasingly, that’s the case for air conditioning units; you need to have them serviced regularly, or your warranty will be invalidated.

As a result, getting your units regula

rly serviced will ensure that, should the worst happen, your warranty will cover any significant financial outlays.


How often should I get my air conditioning units serviced?

Enviro FWA recommends getting your air conditioning unit serviced at least twice a year, so every six months.

Enviro FWA also provides TM44 inspections, which improve efficiency by reducing energy consumption, carbon emissions and operating costs.

TM44 inspections should be carried out every five years on any system with an effective output of 12kw.


How can Enviro FWA help me?

Enviro FWA offers a wide range of air conditioning services for businesses in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Whether you need a bi-annual service, maintenance or even a brand new installation and fit-out, Enviro’s team of experts can help you.

And we know that your business might not be a typical Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm type.

As a result, we’ll ensure we work around your schedule and minimise downtime during your busy periods.


Enviro Fire Water and Air Limited engineers have over 20 years of experience installing and maintaining air conditioning systems throughout the North and South of Ireland.


Contact us today for more information.

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